Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Małopolska Organizacja na Rzecz Natury

My name is Finka and I'm 5 years old. I am tiny, I weigh only 6 kg. I am a dog after crossing, so I am definitely looking for a patient and forgiving home without children and other animals, because I am afraid of both, and at home I prefer to be an only child. I am sensitive and somewhat distrustful to strangers. I need time to meet a new person and trust them. Then I love to be petted, hugged and follow a man everywhere. I walk nicely on a leash, keep my house clean and travels politely by car. I can also stay alone - I do not destroy and do not howl, sometimes I will afford something like a dog. I am fully healthy, chipped, castrated and vaccinated.

The pre -tone procedure applies.
Contact on adoption: 606 213 030 | [email protected]

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